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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  October 20, 2023 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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thanks very much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo hope you are having a good morning friday, october 20, 8:00 a.m.
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on the east coast, president biden addressing the facing from the oval office last night promised to send congress urgent funding request today, of 105 billion dollars, that money will include assistance for the wars in israel and ukraine. watch. >> we're going to send to congress an urgency budget request to fund america's national security needs, to support our critical partners including israel and ukraine, a smart investment that is going to did pay does dividends for american security for generations help us keep american troops out of harm's way help us build a world that is safe more peaceful prosperous for children and grandchildren request for aid goes to house ways and means without a speaker nominee jim jordan holding a news conference my nominate ahead of a planned speaker vote today at 10:00 a.m. eastern, cheryl, so far jim jordan did not have votes we will see if anything
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changed. cheryl: this is very interesting getting in reporting from chad from the hill, he says that scenario is changing for today for the weekend what chad is reporting if a vote today that is what it looks like it's going to happen here going to -- the votes, but members could potentially be asked to either today or weekend that raises possibility quote the right mix of members if absent this could give jim jordan a win maria, so that is going to be very interesting again you are looking at live pictures like we are here obviously, going to come out be speaking going to be interesting to see what jim jordan has to say scenario seemed off the table yesterday for jim jordan now chad is reporting that scenario is back on the table, every day that goes by you know basically, jim jordan seems working to wear down the opposition. maria: yeah. cheryl: a lot at play you know kevin mccarthy i thought was very you know mccarthy is
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backing him now said he is look being like i have two months to build support for my leadership position, jim jordan has maybe you know two days two weeks not even two weeks. this is -- even if the pro tempore leader steps in guides into january i think because business at hand right now for them, i think that is a dangerous scenario, i think it is better that we get some leadership in here now, especially after biden asked for funding for ukraine and for israel, this is a very crucial time for the house you. maria: all dangerous, "new york post" opinion piece rights president biden prime time address is not about israel it is for his terrible polling numbers this is recent fox news poll, president biden approval ratings declining, 41% kara, your reaction as the president is trying to appeal to a american resorts they are
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not happy with his work. >> rightfully so, because, as we said before we lost the ability to project power on world stage massive problem we're seeing, what is happening off the coast to having intercept crises mills attacks on u.s. bases eastern syria iraq, looking at iran i don't think people talking about this enough there is a history iran targeting western interests u.s. interests in floor when israel has operations, iraned targeted us when israel went after them iran targeted us with nation state group called -- sandbox, in cyberspace western interests in crosshairs especially cyberdomain important we gird loins for retaliation not just physical
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space but cyberspace america is in crosshairs because of joe biden's feckless leadership. maria: jim jordan is about to speak, in press conference, he is right now, in washington beginning his press conference, no doubt karoline going to make the case, we need to get together, that the house needs to come up with a solution, for a speaker, because we are talking about, dangerous times on the ground in israel right now. >> yes, absolutely. jim jordan is a fighter he is a household name conservative voters republican voters americans trust him because they see him fight for them time and time again, so i think our great nation will be well served if 20 holdouts rally around jim jordan so we can pass a budget, secure funding for our border, so that house judiciary and oversight committees can covenant, the incredible are work they've been doing to expose joe biden's family's history of corruption can when led as well to joe biden's tanking poll numbers not just this chaos are currently seeing a little bit play out
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in capitol hill this is chaos down street in washington pennsylvania avenue out of executive branch leading us into world war iii, into a recession likes of can when we may not have seen since 1930s open border invasion that is impacting every single american community, the american people elected a house majority let's get on with this will electric jim jordan so we can govern, and really be about a check and balance on the chaos and other disastrous leadership out of the white house. >> karoline do you think this is going to fly this package that biden wants 105 billion, which ties two wars together. >> no we've already seen really strong response from a lot of republicans on 2 hill on senate side also in the house i think, it is wrong, the american people deserve a debate on issues we are at war around the world 37 and biden for him to just continue to write blank checks to ukraine again with no clear strategy, to actually end this
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war, to bring peace, to the world, is really just a are dereliction of duty on his part congress needs to pass separate sending bills if any more to ukraine we need to defend ally israel strongly none would be happening if it weren't for biden, if he actually had policies of deterrence to deter greks in middle east, aggression we know china may or may not invade taiwan looks more likely all unfolding, the american taxpayer consumer paying very, very steep price bankrupting future generations to way for overseas oil 90 dollars a barrel yesterday energy department said looking to buy six million barrels of oil to fill up spr they have
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to do so at 09 dollars a barrel stay with us. we'll be right back. . moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. hormone therapy works outside the cell... while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening
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breaking news congressman jim jordan holding a news conference right now ahead of house speaker vote 10:00 a.m. taking questions right now, says we need to get a speaker as soon as possible we've got important work to do we need to help i would we will monitor all this for headlines come back toum as they develop, meanwhile, we are taking a look at markets this morning lower, as worries about higher interest rates and impact continue to filter through markets dow industrials down 79 nasdaq down 48 s&p lower by 11 1/4 interest rates this morning are in fact pulling back, from 16-year highs, take a look, they are both sitting at 16-year highs even with declines the ten year down 3 days sitting level 4.96%, 30-year at 5.1%, this is a
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problem for stock investors because investors look at higher interest rates and say maybe i don't need to take on the risk of stocks when i could buy treasurys and get a 5% return, jay powell signaled yesterday the federal reserve will extend a news the interest rate increases noting inflation, however, is still too high, and lower economic growth likely needed to bring it down, watch. >> inflation is still too high. and a few months of good data always beginning of what it will take to build confidence that inflation is moving down sustainably toward our goal we cannot yet know how long lower reacting persist or where inflation will settle over coming quarters, while the path is likely to be bumpy my colleagues and i are yietsdz in commitment to bring down inflation sustainably to 2%. >> joining me right now chairman ceo of strategyis, jason with us great to see
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you. thanks very much for being here what did you make of the jay powell speech? >> well, i think it was another indication that the fed is very serious about avoiding the stop and go monetary policies 70s jay powell talked become that quite a bit a problem in 70s had to fight inflation three times, each higher rates of inflation, is to, the fed is trying to do fight this once put it away. but it is taking longer i think than they expected. they've done a good job bringing inflation down thus far but it is still pretty faraway from the fed 2% target. maria: what do you think it means about 2 fed next move with you in the camp that we will see a pause at the next meeting october 31, november 1? what about did he ever see meeting as well? >> i think likely you you will see a pause partly because some sense backup in long end of the krufsh you were mentioning is doing some fed
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work for it, the geopolitical, developments recently are something also that somewhat risk off i am not sure fed should take further big victory laps i don't think chairman powell was yesterday. either. that they have to remain vigilant, about -- about inflation. because it is still, again, a long way away from target i think december is in play the november off the table but i think december in play i wouldn't suspect you will see many more fed hikes, but there is a chance that -- rates stay higher longer than consensus believed possible a couple months ago. >> banks have been under pressure i want to ask you about the biggest banks quietly cut a bind 20,000 employees, since fourth quarter except for jpmorgan chase, several regions have reported sizable declines in profits third quarter. your reaction to investing in
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banks in environment where you see rates moving higher. against on the type of bank, and the parts of the parts of thes banks that you are talking, i think biggest challenge right now is for many of the largest banks dealmaking i think there is a lot of particularly in m&a, a lot of banks that are trying to bring deals over the finish line, but there's a lot of skittishness sellers don't like the prices, and buyers don't like prices. so, usually backup in interest rate is good for banks, a lessened yield curve good for banks that helps but i also think there are other parts of the business that are under pressure, commission business under pressure i can say from personal experience and i can also say that dealmaking has been disappointing. i am not sure that i am not seeing really how that will resolves soon unless we get more confidence, that we
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achieved price stability that the fed is done. maria: jason how are you recommending or how are you changed youring allocation in the face of 5% looking at 10-year, briefly touch 5% this week, 30-year now 5.1%. does this change anything for you? >> for better or worse it doesn't i would say for worse, because you know we felt like -- idiots end of july we were very focused on short duration equities, companies that can provide enhanced, buying back stock issuing of dividends very much out of favor for a good portion of this year started to become more in fashion now. and my own opinion that is interest rates are going to stay very sticky i think people forgotten because feding fixed rate of interest rates for 12 years, people forgotten that normally ten-year treasury yields are
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about 200 basis points above the rate of inflation, we certainly have a fair amount of fiscal incontinence inwards you are not going to get much to break in terms of supply, i think interest rates are going to stay higher for longer that means that you want to be focused, you don't want to be focused on risky companies don't have profits of or cash flows, they are longer duration equities continue to be under pressure job voluntary selectively, before you go would you put new money in works year-end or hold pat. >> i think energy is -- i feel that way all year long i think underowned defense stocks another place that you might want to look, especially given, of the will tragic events of the recent few weeks. maria: good points jason always a pleasure thanks for being here this morning. my pleasure. >> thank you jason trennert joining us. we'll be right back, stay with us. .
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when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. diverge diverge diverge welcome back u.s. troops near baghdad iraq targeted in drone rocket attack minutes before president biden's address last night from oval office all week u.s. troops have been attacked in iraq, syria some incidents leaked to
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minor injuries u.s. destroyer are intercepting several you will see missiles fired by houthi militants near yemen yesterday, joining knee greg steube u.s. army veteran part of operation iraqi freedom congressman thanks very much for being here thank you for service to our great country, of course, i want to get your take on attacks on u.s. troops, your reaction. >> yeah these are iranian backed shia militia groups targeting u.s. troops, you know for a fact that iranian type drones making these attacks will come out once an investigation, pieces of the drones left after we shot them down the typical modus operandi of iranians use money to build drones missiles all that to attack u.s. troops, israelis back haz hezbollah terrorist organizations the
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biden administration opened up finances for the iranians give them six billion dollars, weeks after that suddenly all hamas attacking israel not coincidence this administration made middle east less safe made americans left safe, because of their horrible foreign affairs policy of appeasement to the iranians and palestinians that caused terror across the middle east. maria: what about you know, the red line that united states has in terms of putting boots on the ground, getting more involved in this war? do you expect that? maria: well challenge is we have americans who are held hostage by hamas. i support our special forces going in, getting those people out. this administration doesn't want to do that biden administration, and his speech yesterday said enforcing about the hostages that are being held american hostages being held by hamas terrorists why are we not doing what we can
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to get those people back, to america? he is doing a show of force by putting aircraft carriers there but, obviously, not wanting to do any type of action, i think that is wrong, i think we have americans that have been captured by terrorists we should go get them shouldn't be paying money to iranians then give money to hamas now he wants to give 100 million more dollars to the palestinian authority going directly to hamas, this administration, is funding the war against israel and those people have i think 20 now hostages or 30 hostages of american citizens, in this administration not doing anything about it. maria: i mean absolutely, outrageous that the president did not mention hostages last night in his speech, trey yingst just told us a few minutes ago we are now up to 203 hostages, and cheryl casone jump in here because i think it is ironic the president just did a prisoner swap okay?
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unfreezeing six billion dollars for iran to get american citizens back they take 203 hostages including 20 some merndz. >> exactly the funding where did money came from -- from obviously, sales of oil, i mean we know congressman steube it has been reported widely ships tankers leaving iran unmarked sanctions complete ineffective on iranians they are making billions now you've got what is about happening in washington with speaker fight congressman with jim jordan, i want to ask you about that, because, obviously, the aid package biden wants 105 billion going to you you you don't have a speaker, chad pergram at fox news reporting there could be multiple votes this weekend, whether or not all members are in town could affect that process, tie back to what we're seeing in israel and ukraine can you comment on that? >> yeah. obviously, house can't do its
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is about without a speaker if place that is jim jordan i supported him from beginning i am asking colleagues to come around him, to try to get a speaker so we can go about our business, here but there's a number of holdouts curious to see we go back in 10:00 a.m. this morning a quorum cal 24r will be votes i will be curious to see if those 23 republicans who voted against jordan last time in jim changed some people maybew moving right direction to where we can get there to a place where he can get the vote sounds like willing to stay over the weekend to get this done i think the nation wanted us to do that so we can get back to business here in washington. maria: so what are you expecting in terms of the appetite for what the president wants president biden told us last night that he is going calling on congress for urgent aid package, the money will go as well as ukraine in nationwide primetime address explained why support for israel and
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ukraine is connected watch this. >> -- israel, 20 months war tragedies inflicted on people of ukraine hamas put represent different threats but in common want to completely annihilate a neighboring the democracy completely annihilate it. >> ohio senator j.d. vance vonned to the speech slamming the president wrote on xthis what biden is doing is disgusting, using dead children in israel to sell his disastrous ukraine policy, to skeptical americans i ask you, is this going to fly with something like will something like this pass. >> not going to fly with me i would imagine a lot of republicans who are not going to be supportive of tying ukraine funding has nothing to do with israeli funding and house passed foreign affairsing appropriations bills weeks ago before speaker vacated, has 3.8 billion
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dollars for the israelis chuck schumer not doing anything with it because they don't like policies of republicans in that bill they feel ukraine is more important ukraine got 120 i think more than that 120 billion dollars our taxpayer dollars, and this president wants to send them more money than we're going to accepted to i would say i think completely uncalled for we need to stand with our partner, on actual real ally is israel give them the support that a they need. there is a bill that house republicans passed, that is sitting in senate 3.8 billion dollars, for the israelis, chuck schumer is not doing anything about it. >> i think a really a good point where the heck is the senate? >> senate hasn't been doing anything because their trying to sit back, they are all about cr land want to get right up to deadline pressure on lawmakers to pass cr we spent over the va appropriations bill sent over
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mbaa, defensive appropriation bill sent over fairers heing appropriations bill there are setting on it not doing anything one because they don't like republican policies they know they can go up to deadline try to force day shutdown on cr on american people. >> american people% tired of politics coming into real important information, and important work to be done now you've got white house apologizing this morning, after posting an unedited photo of president biden meeting with u.s. special forces in israel, calling him out and calling out this instagram post, as compromising the it's i dent tigges of our troops, people saw their faces, of our troops, how dangerous is that? >> these soldiers' lives now
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at risk because of completing incompetence of this is it is white house student government running the white house right now, and lives are other stake because of their horrible foreign affairs policies every day mistakes they make putting american lives at risk. well, look. i understand what you are saying, i know that our audience largely agrees with you congressman you have to admit that there is a fair amount of people saying that the house republicans are inept you know that right? you know that right now people are saying, what the heck is going on in the house of representatives? that you cannot decide on a speaker, and you through kevin mccarthy out we don't even know why. >> yeah. i didn't vote for that but we had eight of my colleagues joined with every democrat to kick out a republican speaker i don't think they had plan as to what was next so we are now in current situation we are in
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you don't have to tell me look at phone calls getting in d.c. office, district office of us trying to get our act together we had a conference meeting yesterday, and there was -- yelling, screaming, and -- fighting with one another. it is time for us to come together, right now, jim jordan has been nominated our speaker des nat i call on all members stand behind him so we can get beyond this move forward with the things that we need to do to protect our country. maria: jim jordan just gave a press conference it was brief but made his word heard here is something he had to say, watch. >>. >> we got important work to do, important work to do we need to help israel, we need to get appropriations process moving so that the key elements of our deposit are funded funded right way particularly our military, we need to get back 20 committee work, and, frankly, to continue o oversight work that i think otherwise so darn important. in short we need to get to work for the american people.
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incredible to me congressman you have one of the weakest presidents the weakest democrat policies anybody has ever seen, the public is largely aware of this you guys can't get your act together, did matt gaetz cliques blow chances taking majority perhaps white house in '24? >> i certainly think they didn't think through all the repercussions of what would happen afterwards praised raised a bunch of more than from right side of party suddenly now that same group of people the conservatives in our party, are -- are veryed frustrated that upset we can't get work done, so, yes, i think it puts us at risk as we go into if presidential election i think you are going to see a lot of reputation very frustrated, and similar to calls i am getting why are we supporting you, if you guys can't get your act together, democrats always stick together, we're not sticking
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together, time for us to get together, elect jim jordan speaker move forward with our country. maria: quick before you go congressman you are on house ways and meanss what are chandz of government shutdown november 17? >> schumer is not going to do thinking here in going to wait they love shutdown politics they think benefits them, so we're even if we pass all of of our appropriations bills like i said we passed four of them or five of them sent them over he is not going to take those up, so the house is going to have to come to a decision whether willing to shut down government for the border or stand on -- american people support shutting down border or cr politics i don't i don't clean cr's i supported cr give a 28% reduction in spending, washington has a spending prop republicans have the house our opportunity to stand with american people and cut spending, in the huge debt that we have with our country. all right. congressman thanks very much, 33 trillion dollars, in debt
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we will follow your work and it is important work. thank you, sir. . we are watching the developments in israel meanwhile, it will israeli defense force saying it has been given green light to conduct a ground offensive against hamas terrorists in gaza fox news foreign correspondent trey yingst live in southern israel region with more trey. >> maria, good morning breaking news we are flaerng israeli military they are strike southern lebanon with artillery units following attacks earlier today along the border pulled thousands of residents along the northern border shelter in place after small arms fire mortar attacks last hour according to israelis military three hezbollah operatives were killed in airstrike earlier day sense how active that he northern front is we reported 20 minutes ago about unrest in
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west bank concern for israeliis, of woifd about one of the bank not just south north of this country but internally could be facing more fire, along the border we showed images early airstrikes continuing along gaza strip rockets fired into southern central israel 14 days into conflict hamas islamic jihad have capabilities to target major centers as israel prepares for looming ground operation taking threats from air and ground. maria: trey were you expecting that we would see that fire, there? or is that new element with israeli military firing rockets specifically there? >> a lot of unpredict nl things each offer you were west bank probably most
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unpredictable in all of this israeli transparency thousands deployed south and north of the run as security forces operate in west bank they have been targeted regulated differently hamas cells arrested hundreds in west bank ask is massacre october 7 mill atlantas have ability 578 anythingss weapons to target jewish communities in settlements, so it is critical that the security, forces remain on high alert there just last night there was a raid in the city of -- with 13 palestinians killed one israeli officer fighting on the ground there, fighting in the south north israel understands iran is starting to a flex muscle across the region not just from syria, iraq but the yemen. >> that is what i want to ask you about the worry among military experts is that this broadens out middle east is going 20 become more destabilized, the worry about not just hezbollah but the syria entering this as well,
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your thoughts? >> yeah, absolutely you have these iranian backed militias all over middle east, iraq syria in particular have ability to fire drones rockets not just at israel but israel's al elizabeth including americans u.s. solves, in iraq overnight two rockets, around baghdad imbalance airport a sense on the grounds things truly are boiling headed wrong direction a lot is directed by tehran how much willing to lose if israel enters gaza destroys hamas second largest approximation yea if they order further strikes in these lebanon they will level beirut if they have to -- >> do we know accurate a number of hostages held i know there are many people missing we don't know if being held
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hostage you reported earlier, right now, that the hamas terrorists are keeping what 203 people hostage in the gaza strip? >> yes, right now confirmed number we have 203, families notified by israeli officials working with them to try to get any information possible about 100 to 200 people considered missing some have been killed, bodies will never be recovered, others dragged into gaza strip still working to recover them, and some may be held hostage that is expected to rise slightly in coming days as israelis gather more on where people are if they survived that massacre. >> a dangerous moment in time, trey, thank you, trey yingst, on the ground, in southern israel. thank you, sir. . >> cheryl casone, i do not think it is hyperbole to say one of the most dangerous times our country has faced, the threat of terrorism here at home on u.s. so i will
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rises with all of this across the world. cheryl: tinderbox the middle east, is already we're seeing this spreading, the emotions the anger on both sides, very unfortunate what seeing in u.s. cities college campuses rhetoric from likes of rashida tlaib not helping with with whatsoever we need leadership in washington right now we don't need games don't need emotions we need people, in congress, and senate to come together, and to absolutely stand up for our allies that is israel. and, we need to back the state israel as trey reporting surrounded right now this is a state that is always been surrounded always faced dangers but never, ever i think in our lifetime something as crucial as this moment today. also, as trey was reporting about the ground invasion maria, at this point we are watching for reports for that
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20 begin any moment from trey our other are correspondents we know hamas militants terrorists excuse me the terrorists have had two weeks to get ready and victim worried about the booby traps the bombs, that are going to be in those tunnels, not --,the hostages we know held in tunnels that israeli troops walking into dangerous situation in tunnels hamas knows they're coming it has been telegraphed today is going to be a very, very crucial day maria in, this war. maria: i think you know most people that i have spoern with in terms of military experts believe that the israeli military can in fact wipe out hamas. that is not the issue. the problem is -- is the fire coming interest elsewhere?
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hezbollah, in north? syria potential elsewhere? israeli military can likely will be successful in taking hamas out. you the but we don't know what happens next that is day real concern. >> we know power, the funding, that is hezbollah. not just hamas but we know are iranians already backing but issue of hezbollah and again trey mentioned iraq, syria look at the map that is, obviously, the issue, and egypt is a whole issue travel irises going on, egypt how is egypt getting -- again ally of us how are they going to handle this so far not handling this all is there you go jordan, i know we've got to run look. president biden i think made a mistake, flying to the region jordanians literally canceled that meeting, mahmoud abba canceling our president
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appeared weak a waist of a trip shouldn't have happened just my opinion it shouldn't have happened. maria: i am wondering if goal was to slowtown israel to stop israel from going into gaza, as planning to do the senate voting unanimously for resolution to support israel yesterday chamber, received president biden emergency funding request tune 105 billion dollars as reporting the president wants 60 billion dollars for ukraine, additional 14 billion for israel ten billion for what he called humanitarian aid, 14 billion for the southern border, seven billion for indo-pacific regional throw it in together according to president republican senators want funding for israel ukraine considered separately, joining me eric schmitt, good to see you this morning how will this you urgent need for aid play out in the senate in your view. >> no way this package as
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presented other we know about will receive should move forward in current form bills disparate different considerations different realities on the ground they have different levels of support differently likehoods of success we need to stand with i would make sure bills considered separately if you are asking for money for ukraine, that should be its own bill if you are requesting for funding for israel its own bill whatever humanitarian aid is, by the way, if history is any guide dollars typically end up in hands of terrorists who you know, essentially do about what we saw a couple saturdays dog want trochts of of atrocities in israel failed foreign policy from biden administration a carrier over of strategy obama had when he was president essentially giving cash to iranians funded a lot a cynical political play, this is all about politics, it is meant to
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bootstrap other initiatives like ukraine that are less particular that we've spent 112 billion dollars on with something light now has a lot of support with israel cynical what is wrong with washington the main point just like with about our appropriations process, by the way, chuck schumer has spent zero 0h,0.0 minutes whole year any funding bill appropriations we need to make sure we have debates on those individual bills by themselves too but the same is true with foreign aid package, separated out real debate consider this like supposed to be, the senate is supposed tribe a thoughtful place where you have debate you make important decision we are not doing a any of that, looks like more of the same. maria: democrats are controlling the senate, it could pass though; right? >> s of i don't know it will depend own i think republicans for us to stick together here. they need 60 votes to move forward, so i think it is incumbent upon us as republicans to be adults in
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the room sober clear-eyed, what is request for israel what is it is what tt objective in ukraine which a is -- is this going to get us? we can't have open-ended blank check our european allies simply have not stepped up no real accountability, they are worried if they show owing will loss more support aukt to be separate debates insulting to american taxpayer, you know people that i represent all across work hard every day money gets taken out of paycheck, we are responsible for decisions we should be accountable they know what we support as opposed to to localing in, this is essentially omnibus bill not much debate. chuck schumer is not interested if that we've got to get away we can't have deals at the end lumped together, quite frankly, not best way the run a railroad, certainly not a country. >> using every crisis to just spend more money he wants more money to spend, i am very concerned about what is happening to our u.s. troops,
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senator. u.s. troops near baghdad tarthdz drone rocket attack minutes before president delivered his a address u.s. troops repeatedly fwhkd the region recent days here is what pentagon had to say yesterday. >> see small scale attacks, clearly concerning, droushgs right as i mentioned we're going to do everything necessary to ensure we are protecting our forces, and if and when we choose to respond we will do so a time of our choosing, but if you step back look again, at what our broader strategic i am a to he deter a broader raej conflict you see us putting additional forces in the theatre. >> we know iran has already killed americans, in syria, in have iraq, on joe biden's watch. what are the ramifications of that a u.s. navy destroyer intercepted will
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missiles by houthis, yesterday. >> we're at a critical time here right now as relates, to u.s. troops, in you know american citizens in that region, i think it is important to put in broader context here is about what hasn't worked trying to appease iranians sending hundreds of billions of dollars completely backfired obama foreign policy legacy, joe biden frees up six billion also not enforced sanctions on iranian oil enriched him essentially in 2019, maria, iran was stopping funding of ham they were hamas was essentially broke now folks are you know, coffers filled with cash because of terrible citizens the miscal kaigss if iran there is a difference between iran saying nothing telling them don't do it, we
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should be very clear iran should be telling these folks their proxies if you -- you should not attack u.s. interests and troops the red line is if you do we will respond with overwhelming force, that kinds of clarity is just not what happened last night, again, it is the cynical attempting to the boop ukraine friending on back of support for to israel should be separately clear within consequences of their proxies moving forward killing americans, again, it is projecting weakness from this president the region is you know a disaster right now because again american foreign policy has been obsessed by democrats of appeasement trying to, you know, apologize for, the previous administration, by the way, we had peace, we had abraham accords no wars tells me american people let's be strong be he deterrent we have a deterrent force, that they respect. right now this president isn't respected we are seeing deadly
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consequences play out a in the world stage. >> incredible talking about peace in middle east undersecretary pompeo, president trump, withation abraham accords the rule was don't mention abraham accords don't murmur the word we are waiting for the israelis to move into gaza any moment, senator eric schmitt thank you for insights this morning we appreciate it. >> thanks, maria. maria: we'll be right back. . ice can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. ♪ is it possible to fall in love with your home... ...before you even step inside? ♪ discover the magnolia home james hardie collection. available now in siding colors, styles and textures. curated by joanna gaines.
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entire families women and the children lawmakers worry we are not prepared to fight against something like that happening. >> the american people want to know what this administration is doing, to secure our nation, we have watched in horror what happened in israel, americans that i represent, others across this nation are saying we don't want this to happen here but we think it could over 100 terrorist watch lists a apprehensions this year under joe biden. >> house judiciary committee releasing a report showing dhs cannot keep track of migrants saying dhs can only locate a fraction of them. >> wow. incredible hilary thank you, hillary vaughn reporting on capitol hill this morning. we'll be right back. .
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maria: welcome back. as we've been reporting, president biden promising to seven congress an urgent funding request today of $105 billion which includes aid for the wars in israel as well as ukraine. let's get final thoughts. kara. >> maria, separate the bills, consider them the each on the merits, and i think the border is crucial here especially as it relates to these foreign policy concerns. biden has let in over 5.8 million illegals. that's more than the population of 29 states. this is a massive problem. we know at least around 150 suspected terrorists have tried to cross the border as well. big problem. focus on the merits of each
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particular topic. maria: well, listen, i agree with you on the border, but the fact is, is we don't know what this money is going to be for for the border because what they've been doing at the border is just creating more housing for the migrants coming in. i mean, when you look at the border, the border needs policy changes not money. it needs policy changes to go back with to the trump add or managers policies. cheryl, final thoughts. >> because we know that we have several nationalities of citizens that are coming through the southern border, from china, mauritania, from syria, from iran. we've gone through those numbers together, maria. the open border is a threat to u.s. security. maria: yeah. caroline, final word. >> far too little, far too late. stop throwing money at the problem, enforce the damn law. that is how we're going to fix this country. maria: all right. the dow industrials down about 100 points right now. we will continue this on monday. "varney & company" picks it up. stu, take it away,ing ashley webster in for stuart varney.


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